Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I could have done so much more....
Who can possibly forget the moving scene at the end of the movie Schindler's List where Liam Neeson is coming to realize the enormity of what has occurred in his midst, only to lament and regret that he did not sell his car, or his gold pin, to save the lives of more victims.
His heartache and pain is palpable as he realizes that, despite the fact he did more than many to save some lives during that horrible period in history, he could have done so much more to make an impact! He could have saved one more innocent life if.. if... if......
So often in our lives we miss real opportunities that we may never get back again - opportunities to impact other's lives and to help them during their struggles.Life can be hard and challenging and "all-consuming" at times - there is no doubt about that!
However, you will find that if you SHIFT the focus of your worry, your disappointment, your fear, your concerns AWAY from your life and STRIVE to make a difference in someone else's life instead- it is INEVITABLE that you will feel better about your life!
Do not believe me?? Try it! It is a FACT - not a theory.
How many times during your day do you focus on how other's are struggling - how your spouse, or sibling, or co-worker, or parents, or even strangers you encounter are dealing with their challenges and hardships?
How many times do you take a step back and "put yourselves in their shoes"?
It is not easy to do -- but if you make it part of your daily discipline and try that approach - as opposed to attacking or judging (the easy route)-- you will see an immediate improvement in your current situation!
Whether it is helping a stranger who is lost, helping someone on the subway or train, a smile to someone who looks in pain or to be suffering, a small compliment to someone known or unknown to you that just might turn their day around - a note to someone to tell them how much you appreciate them or a "thank you" note to someone who has been there for you.... taking a moment to stop and ask a neighbor how THEIR day is going..How can this not make you feel better??
It is IMPOSSIBLE not to!!
Do not end up like Schindler - wishing you had done more, wish you had taken the action to help someone more when they needed it - AFTER THE FACT - and regretting it for the rest of your life!
Start right this moment to take that step - and you will see the immediate difference this makes in your life!Stay Strong!!
The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all. ~Leo Rosten
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Well I have news for you - You are NEVER alone!
It is easy for our minds to go immediately to the worst case scenario and isolate ourselves from others when we are in trials and strife! It is all to easy to rollover in the face of pain and fear!
Don't Do It!
You are Never alone!! The Holy Spirit waits for you to ask for His help! That is why He has been given to us by the Lord!
He is ALWAYS with you!! Utilize Him!
He is the answer to all sincere prayer!! He is the Comfort we seek in all times of challenge!!
Never despair! Never fear! Call upon the Holy Spirit for guidance - and it will come to you!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
An example of the Holy Spirit at work amongst us

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
One more Reminder...
“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Romans 14:17. Having the Holy Ghost in our lives is the secret of happiness. The Holy Ghost provides us direction and encouragement to be in right standing with God. Without the Holy Ghost in our lives we are left to our own devices that result in sin and ultimately death. For us that have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we have the spirit of God in us.
The Holy Ghost in us helps us to stay in right standing with God. By being in right standing with God (to be righteous) we can have peace and joy in our lives (Romans 14:17, “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost”).
Give it up!
How many of us continually pile problem atop issue atop worry atop fear and carry this gigantic weight of problems around on our shoulders every single day??
How do we handle these issues?
Usually we do 1 of 2 things:
1. We ignore them and hope they go away. We simply stick our heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich and hope when we peek back out at reality that the problems will have simply disappeared.
Or we:
2. Allow the enormous weight of our issues to force us into attacking them one by one - using our own frame of reference of reality as a guide.
We should know from past experience that neither one of these actions or inactions deliver the results we seek - which is Peace and Joy!
So - what can we do to reach that goal??
It is simple - Just Give it Up!!
Give up your problems, fears, worries, and anxieties to the Holy Spirit!!
You may ask as I certainly did - "What does that mean exactly??"
It means that all of our efforts to gain peace and remove fear fail when we try to do it ourselves! We cannot do it alone!!
Why do we think that after so many tries to remove this Fear on our own, with our own perspective and limited knowledge, that simply doing the same thing repeatedly will yield different results?
Afterall - that is the definition of "insanity" - is it not?
Try this tonight -- either lying in bed prior to falling asleep or find a quiet spot without any interruptions. Summon to your mind ALL of your current worries, fears, concerns, troubles, problems, etc. Be specific - really feel the fear and worry that these thoughts bring to your awareness.
Then simply "Give Them Up" to the Holy Spirit!
That is right - Ask the Holy Spirit to assume these issues for you!
Turn them all over to Him and allow Him to take care of them for you!!
Literally say to Him "Holy Spirit, Please take these fears and worries from me and deliver me Peace - I trust in your guidance"
Say it numerous times if you must although only one invitation to Him is necessary!
I guarantee that after sincerely turning over all of your worries and fears to Him, you will have the most peaceful sleep you ever have experienced and wake in a state of peace!
Just Give it Up! He is waiting for your invite! It will not happen unless you open it up to Him!
I would love to hear of your results on the comments section...!!
Try it tonight - It works and what do you have to lose trying it?
God Bless!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry