Friday, July 10, 2009

The True meaning of the Crucifixion..

Such a simple statement for such a complex topic, I agree completely.

The sheer magnitude of the event, the many events and encounters leading up to those 6 hours on Calvary, the very thought of what occurred that day and then three days later is breathtaking indeed!

From Gethsemane to that final cry to His Father and last breath on Earth before dying a painful, humiliating death, Jesus had the Power to call on a legion of Angels to rescue Him and "deliver this cup from my lips" - yet He didn't do it.

He endured taunts, inhumane beatings, mockery, a crown of thorns, an excruciating death of barbaric proportions - all the while asking His Father to "forgive" those who did this to Him.

What Jesus did that day was show the world what we can, and must, endure at times if we are to enjoy His Kingdom! It was His adherence to God's Will - not His own - that was the lesson!

How difficult and torturous it must have been for Him to stick to what God had willed for His only Son - what Faith, Compassion and Strength it must have taken Him!

It boggles the mind to fathom it!!

So in our daily struggles - all of them hopefully less painful and less consequential - we must remember what His sacrifice meant for all of us and put our problems and tribulations in perpsective!

Jesus endured Death - the worst possible outcome of any of our problems as Humans - and demonstrated to everyone that NOTHING we face -NOTHING - can overcome us when we have Jesus in our hearts - and follow/trust God's Will instead of our own earthly wants!!

What a Joy and relief that is if we accept it in our hearts and live with that Faith daily!!

Give it up to the Holy Spirit - the Lord's messenger - and stop worrying!!

All is well - Jesus is Risen!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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