Even more frustrating is the fact that we can feel absolutely invincible - on top of the world one week (or day) - only to find ourselves in the throes of doubting and anxiety the very next!!
It can be maddening indeed! At least until we get more consistent with our "mind work" and our "Mental Aces in the Hole" (MAITHs).
Well - critical to avoiding this trap and shortening the periods of time between the peaks and valleys of our moods and attitudes is the ability to "snap back" or "dig out" of the trough!
This can be done relatively easily but it takes some practice before it becomes second-hand!
Here are some tips on mastering this important catalyst:
1. Ask the Holy Spirit for Guidance! The Holy Spirit is at our disposal for guidance and assistance in achieving Joy and Peace! This is His only mission, objective and goal! The only "catch" is that WE have to invite Him! He will not impose Himself on us but once we ask - He will DELIVER. Therefore, take the time daily to ask for guidance, invite Him into your life and hand over all your fears, worries, and anxieties to Him! It NEVER fails.
2. Shift focus from what YOU want and need to helping out another person in need!! Seek out those who are suffering, confused, or facing a battle of their own! You will b e shocked how quickly YOU feel better helping someone else with their own struggles! Like inviting the Holy Spirit to handle your problems and reveal the Joy and Peace we all have waiting for us, this is also foolproof - and there is never a shortage of people in need of your support, smile, shoulder to lean on, or kind words!!
3. Focus on the NEXT Thing to come - not on your current situation! The surest way to stay stuck and mired in your present strife is to remain focused on it! Stop right now and close your eyes! Forget about your financial woes, your lack of whatever you want or need, and instead picture what you WANT!! What would make you happy right now if it were to be your present state? What do you WANT to become, do, visit, etc?? Focus on how that future state of joy and peace make you feel! Amazingly different than you felt 5 minutes ago I bet!
I know- I do it constantly! And it works wonders!!
Now take that future state of joy and peace you can almost taste and apply a PLAN to getting there! ATTRACT people and circumstances into your life by remaining faithful and positive on what it is you WANT - not where you are now!!
If you do these 3 steps - you will be amazed at how great your life will become, how much more fulfilling life will be - and how quickly Peace, love, happiness and Joy come into your reality! Just as the Lord has arranged it!!
Clear the clouds of illusion your mind and ego have created and embrace Reality!! It is waiting for you!
Stay Strong!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry